#184: Bad for ROI - the Feature Factory

In the fast-paced world of software development, the “feature factory” model, with its promise of rapid growth and high ROI, can easily captivate businesses.

This episode takes a dive into why the the feature factory is so alluring - and why beneath the allure, lies a multitude of hidden dysfunctions and potential for long-term damage.

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Published: Wed, 18 Oct 2023 15:00:00 GMT


Hello and welcome back to the Better ROI from Software Development podcast.

In this episode, I'll look at another practice Bad for ROI - a practice that may commonly be considered good or even common practice, but is actually causing dysfunctional and unexpected results.

In this episode, we're delving deep into something that, on the surface, appears to be the golden ticket for software-driven success. I'm talking about the allure and the illusion of the high ROI that many believe a Feature Factory promises.

So, what exactly is a Feature Factory?

Picture this, a bustling software development environment, gears grinding and machines humming. The primary aim? Churn out as many new features as possible, at an almost breakneck speed. It's like a production line for features, the more the merrier. But here's the catch. In this rush, there's often scant attention paid to the actual value these features bring to the table, or to the overarching user experience.

It's tempting, isn't it, the idea of consistently rolling out new features, each one potentially being the next big thing that catapults your software to new heights. But is this rapid fire approach truly beneficial in the grand scheme of things?

Stick around as we uncover the hidden layers of the Feature Factory and its implications on your return on investment.

Let's start by looking at the magnetic allure of the Feature Factory, the siren call that entices so many companies down its path.

First up, Immediate Gratification and Visible Output.

In our fast-moving digital age, there's a palpable hunger for quick wins and visible results. Each new feature released is akin to a shiny medal pinned on a soldier's uniform. It's tangible. You can point at it and say, look what we've achieved. This cascade of new features often gives teams a surge of pride and a sense of progress.

And it's not just the development team that feel this buzz. Stakeholders, especially those with limited technical insight, can easily equate a steady stream of new features with forward momentum. To them, it looks like the product is perpetually evolving, constantly improving.

This leads us to our next point, the illusion of high ROI.

On the face of it, if we're releasing a plethora of features, surely that means we're continually adding value to our users, right? More features could suggest a richer product, potentially leading to more satisfied customers and, by extension, a higher return on investment.

But here's where it gets tricky. Are all those features genuinely equating to more value for the customer? Or are they simply adding to the noise?

Lastly, let's talk about misplaced metrics.

In the rush to quantify progress, companies can sometimes lose sight of what truly matters. Instead of focusing on the right key performance indicators, they might get caught up in vanity metrics. For instance, tracking the sheer number of features rolled out can be misleading. It's a quantitative measure, not necessarily a qualitative one.

The real question? Are these features making a significant difference? Are users engaged with them? Do they enhance the overall user experience or functionality?

Counting features without assessing their real-world impact can be like celebrating empty calories. It feels good momentarily, but does it nourish our product for the long run?

The allure of the feature factory is undeniably strong, but as we pull back the curtain, it's essential to scrutinise its true impact on the software development landscape.

So, while the surface of the feature factory may shimmer with promise of progress, underneath lies currents of dysfunction that can drag a product and its team into murky waters.

First on our list is the age-old conundrum of quantity over quality.

In the whirlwind race to produce, produce, produce, the essence of what makes software generally great can be lost. When the goal is sheer volume, corners get cut. As a result, we see software riddled with bugs, lacklustre finishes, and an overall user experience that feels, well, unrefined. Rushed development can mean that the software isn't just lacking in polish. It can be fundamentally flawed.

Next up, we have feature fatigue and complexity for users.

Imagine being presented with a Swiss Army knife with 100 tools. Impressive? Maybe. Practical? Not so much. The same principle applies to software. An overabundance of features can be overwhelming, leading users on a labyrinth journey they never signed up for. A cluttered interface, confused pathways and redundant tools can not only frustrate users, but might even drive them to seek simpler, more intuitive alternatives.

And then there's the lurking shadow of neglected technical debt

For those unfamiliar with the term, technical debt refers to the eventual consequences of shortcuts and quick fixes in code. Think of it as a loan taken out against a codebase. Sure, things might move fast initially, but just like financial debt, there's an interest to pay. Over time, as this debt accumulates, the code becomes less stable and harder to work with. In the relentless pace of a Feature Factory, who has the time to address this mounting debt?

The result? A product that's increasingly shaky, less scalable, and far from future ready.

I introduce the concept of technical debt, and go into much more detail, back in episode 16 if you want to hear more on it.

Lastly, we venture into the realm of loss of vision and product cohesiveness.

A product, like any work of art, needs a guiding vision, a north star if you will. But when teams are constantly chasing the next feature, this vision can become fragmented. The software starts to feel less like a well-orchestrated symphony and more like disjointed notes from various instruments. And for the user, navigating such a platform feels disjointed, less intuitive, and frankly, a chore.

The pitfalls of Feature Factories aren't just superficial bumps on the road. They're chasms that can fundamentally alter the trajectory of a product, and the teams behind them.

Within the world of software development, it's vital to understand that today's decisions echo into tomorrow's realities. So let's peel back the layers and unveil the long-term consequences of being trapped in that feature factory model, and the potential blow it can deliver to your ROI.

Firstly, we encounter increased maintenance costs.

It's a straightforward equation. The faster and more recklessly that we build, the more errors you introduce.

These aren't just minor inconveniences. They can manifest as critical bugs or severe issues down the line. And these don't come cheap. Correcting these errors, especially if they've become deeply embedded within the system, can be costly and time-consuming endeavors. Every hour spent debugging or rewriting code is an hour taken away from genuine innovation and forward momentum.

Moving on, we have the alarming trend of user churn due to complexity and instability.

Users will approach software with certain expectations around things like clarity, reliability, and efficiency. However, a product birthed in the frantic environment of a Feature Factory can often be chaotic and unstable. Facing a convoluted interface and reoccurring crashes, users unsurprisingly begin to jump ship. And losing users doesn't just dent pride, it hits the bottom line. Lost users mean lost revenue. Moreover, the cost of acquiring new users, especially in today's saturated digital marketplace, can be exorbitant.

Lastly, let's not forget the human component - reduced team morale.

A software development team isn't just a collection of coders. It's a cohesive unit with aspirations, creativity and a desire for purpose.

In the unending treadmill of feature production, developers might start feeling like cogs in a machine. Constantly churning but seldomly seeing the fruits of their labour making a genuine impact. The toll? A demoralised team. And a demotivated demoralised team can lead to reduced productivity, higher turnover rates and a decline in the overall product quality.

The long-term damage of ROI isn't just about numbers and revenue. It's about the essence of what makes a product great and a team passionate. The fleeting gains of feature factories might seem enticing now, but the future costs can be both steep and profound.

As we draw our exploration of feature factories to a close, let's pivot to what truly stands at the heart of impactful software development. Value over volume.

In the grand tapestry of software creation, it's not the sheer quantity of stitches that count, but the artistry, the design, the overall picture that we weave. While new features can indeed bring novelty, it's essential to discern between what's merely "new" and what's genuinely "valuable".

And how do we achieve this clarity?

By implementing strategies like creating user feedback loops, allowing users to voice what they really need, through iterative development, refining and improving with each cycle, and by prioritising tasks not just based on what's trendy, but what can really truly make a difference in the user's journey.

Final thoughts.

The allure of the Feature Factories is undeniably strong, with its gleaming promise of rapid growth and immediate results.

But as we've journeyed today, it's clear that this model can be often a mirage, dazzling from a distance but lacking substance up close. Within software development, as within life, balance is paramount. It's not about racing ahead, it's about moving forward with purpose, precision and a clear vision.

And now, a call to action for all our listeners.

Take a moment to step back and assess. Look beyond the glitzy metrics of feature counts. Delve deeper.

Are you delivering true value?

Or are you caught in the whirlwind of constant production?

As custodians of the digital realm, it's upon us to ensure that we're not just building for the sake of building, but creating solutions that resonate, that matter, that truly enrich the lives of our users.

Thank you for taking the time to listen to this episode. I look forward to speaking to you again next week.

ChatGPT transcript

This episode used content generated through conversation with ChatGPT. The below is the full conversation with ChatGPT.


The Better ROI from Software Development podcast is a short (10-15 minutes) weekly podcast aimed at non-technical CXO/ Managers - advising them on how to get better results from their software development efforts.

The podcast format is just me as the narrator, with no guests, actors or music.

Occasionally I will have an episode with explores something that may previously been considered good or common practice, but is actually causing dysfunctional, and unexpected, results in modern software development - and thus would be bad for ROI.

Draft an outline for an episode titled "Bad for ROI: the feature factory". The episode should explore the seeming desirability of a feature factory within software development and illusion of high ROI, and then look at the underlying dysfunctions it is likely to masking and how it is likely to cause long term damage to roi


Episode Outline: "Bad for ROI: The Feature Factory"


Opening Statement * Introduce the topic: The allure and illusion of high ROI that a feature factory promises in software development.

Brief Overview of a Feature Factory * Explain what a feature factory is: A development environment where the main focus is on churning out new features at high speed with little focus on the value these features provide or the overall user experience.

[The Allure of the Feature Factory]

Immediate Gratification and Visible Output * Discuss how new features can provide a sense of progress and achievement, as they are tangible outputs. * Mention how this can impress stakeholders in the short term, as they see constant "improvements" to the product.

The Illusion of High ROI * Highlight how, on the surface, more features might seem to correlate to more value provided to customers and thus higher returns.

Misplaced Metrics * Discuss how companies might be tracking the wrong metrics, like the number of features released rather than the impact or usefulness of those features.

[Underlying Dysfunctions Masked by Feature Factories]

Quantity Over Quality * Talk about how an overemphasis on new features can detract from the overall quality of the software. * Mention bugs, lack of polish, and poor user experience that might result from rushed development.

Feature Fatigue and Complexity for Users * Discuss how constantly adding new features can overwhelm users, make the software harder to use, and potentially drive them away.

Neglected Technical Debt * Explore the concept of technical debt: shortcuts in the code that may make things faster in the short term but lead to problems down the road. * Highlight how, in a feature factory, there's little time to address this debt, leading to a less stable and scalable product over time.

Loss of Vision and Product Cohesiveness * Discuss how constantly chasing new features can lead to a fragmented product vision, making the software feel disjointed and less intuitive for users.

[The Long-term Damage to ROI]

Increased Maintenance Costs * Dive into how a focus on rapid feature development can lead to more errors, bugs, and issues that need fixing later on.

User Churn Due to Complexity and Instability * Discuss how users might leave a product that's hard to use or unreliable, leading to lost revenue and increased marketing costs to acquire new users.

Reduced Team Morale * Touch on how constantly churning out features without seeing real impact or without addressing underlying issues can demoralize a development team.


Refocusing on Value Over Volume * Emphasize the importance of focusing on delivering real value to users rather than just new features. * Mention strategies like user feedback loops, iterative development, and prioritization based on impact.

Final Thoughts * Reiterate the dangers of being seduced by the feature factory model and the importance of maintaining a balanced approach to software development.

Call to Action * Encourage listeners to assess their own development practices, look beyond the sheer number of features, and consider the true value they're delivering to their users.

With this outline, the episode should provide a comprehensive overview of the drawbacks of operating as a feature factory and guide CXOs and managers towards healthier, more sustainable software development practices.


Produce a script introducing the episode; to cover:

Introduce the topic: The allure and illusion of high ROI that a feature factory promises in software development.

Explain what a feature factory is: A development environment where the main focus is on churning out new features at high speed with little focus on the value these features provide or the overall user experience.


Script for Introducing the Episode: "Bad for ROI: The Feature Factory"

(Sound of a brief pause, as if someone's taking a moment before speaking.)

Narrator: "Welcome back to another episode of 'Better ROI from Software Development'. Today, we're delving deep into a phenomenon that, on the surface, appears to be the golden ticket for software-driven success. I'm talking about the allure and illusion of the high ROI that many believe a 'feature factory' promises."

(A brief pause for emphasis.)

Narrator: "So, what exactly is a feature factory? Picture this: A bustling software development environment, gears grinding and machines humming. The primary aim? Churn out as many new features as possible, at an almost breakneck speed. It's like a production line for features. The more, the merrier! But here's the catch – in this rush, there's often scant attention paid to the actual value these features bring to the table, or to the overarching user experience."

Narrator: "It's tempting, isn't it? The idea of consistently rolling out new features, each one potentially being the next big thing that catapults your software to new heights. But is this rapid-fire approach truly beneficial in the grand scheme of things?"

(Pause for a moment, allowing listeners to ponder the question.)

Narrator: "Stick around as we uncover the hidden layers of the feature factory and its implications on your return on investment."

This script provides an engaging introduction to the episode, setting the stage for a deep dive into the true impact of the feature factory model on ROI.


Produce a script exploring the allure of the feature factory - to cover:

Immediate Gratification and Visible Output

Discuss how new features can provide a sense of progress and achievement, as they are tangible outputs. Mention how this can impress stakeholders in the short term, as they see constant improvements" to the product.

The Illusion of High ROI - Highlight how, on the surface, more features might seem to correlate to more value provided to customers and thus higher returns.

Misplaced Metrics - Discuss how companies might be tracking the wrong metrics, like the number of features released rather than the impact or usefulness of those features.


Script Exploring the Allure of the Feature Factory

Narrator: "Now, let's unravel the magnetic allure of the feature factory, the siren call that entices so many companies down its path."

(Pause for effect.)

Narrator: "First up: Immediate Gratification and Visible Output. In our fast-paced digital age, there's a palpable hunger for quick wins and visible results. Each new feature released is akin to a shiny medal pinned on a soldier's uniform. It's tangible. You can point to it, and say, 'Look what we've achieved!'. This cascade of new features often gives teams a surge of pride and a sense of progress."

Narrator: "And it's not just the development team that feels this buzz. Stakeholders, especially those with limited technical insight, can easily equate a steady stream of new features with forward momentum. To them, it looks like the product is perpetually evolving, constantly improving."

(A slight change in tone, hinting at the caveats to come.)

Narrator: "This leads us to our next point: The Illusion of High ROI. On the face of it, if we're releasing a plethora of features, surely that means we're continuously adding value for our users, right? More features could suggest a richer product, potentially leading to more satisfied customers and, by extension, a higher return on investment."

Narrator: "But here’s where it gets tricky. Are all these features genuinely equating to more value for the customer? Or are they simply adding to the noise?"

(Brief pause, allowing the question to sink in.)

Narrator: "Lastly, let's talk about Misplaced Metrics. In the rush to quantify progress, companies can sometimes lose sight of what truly matters. Instead of focusing on the right key performance indicators, they might get caught up in vanity metrics. For instance, tracking the sheer number of features rolled out can be misleading. It's a quantitative measure, not necessarily a qualitative one."

Narrator: "The real question is: Are these features making a significant difference? Are users engaging with them? Do they enhance the overall user experience or functionality? Counting features without assessing their real-world impact can be like celebrating empty calories. It feels good momentarily, but does it nourish your product in the long run?"

(Pause for reflection.)

Narrator: "The allure of the feature factory is undeniably strong. But as we pull back the curtain, it’s essential to scrutinize its true impact on the software development landscape."

This script attempts to guide listeners through the appealing aspects of the feature factory while gently hinting at the potential pitfalls that come with it.


Produce a script exporing the Underlying Dysfunctions Masked by Feature Factories - to cover:

Quantity Over Quality - Talk about how an overemphasis on new features can detract from the overall quality of the software & Mention bugs, lack of polish, and poor user experience that might result from rushed development.

Feature Fatigue and Complexity for Users - Discuss how constantly adding new features can overwhelm users, make the software harder to use, and potentially drive them away.

Neglected Technical Debt - Explore the concept of technical debt: shortcuts in the code that may make things faster in the short term but lead to problems down the road & Highlight how, in a feature factory, there's little time to address this debt, leading to a less stable and scalable product over time.

Loss of Vision and Product Cohesiveness - Discuss how constantly chasing new features can lead to a fragmented product vision, making the software feel disjointed and less intuitive for users.


Script Exploring the Underlying Dysfunctions Masked by Feature Factories

Narrator: "While the surface of the feature factory may shimmer with the promise of progress, underneath lie currents of dysfunction that can drag a product and its team into murky waters."

(Pause for a moment of reflection.)

Narrator: "First on our list is the age-old conundrum of Quantity Over Quality. In the whirlwind race to produce, produce, produce, the essence of what makes software genuinely great can be lost. When the goal is sheer volume, corners get cut. As a result, we see software riddled with bugs, lackluster finishes, and an overall user experience that feels, well, unrefined. Rushed development can mean that the software isn't just lacking in polish—it could be fundamentally flawed."

Narrator: "Next up, we have Feature Fatigue and Complexity for Users. Imagine being presented with a Swiss Army knife with a hundred tools. Impressive? Maybe. Practical? Not so much. The same principle applies to software. An overabundance of features can be overwhelming, leading users on a labyrinthine journey they never signed up for. A cluttered interface, confusing pathways, and redundant tools can not only frustrate users but might even drive them to seek simpler, more intuitive alternatives."

(Pause for emphasis.)

Narrator: "And then there's the lurking shadow of Neglected Technical Debt. For those unfamiliar with the term, technical debt refers to the eventual consequences of shortcuts and quick fixes in coding. Think of it as a loan taken out against the codebase. Sure, things might move faster initially, but just like financial debt, there's an interest to pay. Over time, as this debt accumulates, the code becomes less stable and harder to work with. In the relentless pace of a feature factory, who has the time to address this mounting debt? The result? A product that's increasingly shaky, less scalable, and far from future-ready."

Narrator: "Lastly, we venture into the realm of Loss of Vision and Product Cohesiveness. A product, like any work of art, needs a guiding vision—a North Star, if you will. But when teams are constantly chasing the next feature, this vision can get fragmented. The software starts feeling less like a well-orchestrated symphony and more like disjointed notes from various instruments. And for the user? Navigating such a platform feels disjointed, less intuitive, and, frankly, a chore."

(Pause for reflection.)

Narrator: "The pitfalls of feature factories aren't just superficial bumps on the road; they're chasms that can fundamentally alter the trajectory of a product and the teams behind them."

This script delves into the deeper, often unseen consequences of the feature factory model, offering a holistic view of its potential long-term implications.


Produce a script exploring the Long-term Damage to ROI - to cover:

Increased Maintenance Costs - Dive into how a focus on rapid feature development can lead to more errors, bugs, and issues that need fixing later on.

User Churn Due to Complexity and Instability - Discuss how users might leave a product that's hard to use or unreliable, leading to lost revenue and increased marketing costs to acquire new users.

Reduced Team Morale - Touch on how constantly churning out features without seeing real impact or without addressing underlying issues can demoralize a development team.


Script Exploring the Long-term Damage to ROI

Narrator: "In the world of software development, it's vital to understand that today's decisions echo into tomorrow's realities. Let's peel back the layers and unveil the long-term consequences of being trapped in a feature factory model and the potential blow it can deliver to your ROI."

Narrator: "Firstly, we encounter Increased Maintenance Costs. It's a straightforward equation: the faster and more recklessly you build, the more errors you introduce. These aren't just minor inconveniences; they can manifest as critical bugs or severe issues down the line. And these don't come cheap. Correcting these errors, especially if they've become deeply embedded within the system, can be a costly and time-consuming endeavor. Every hour spent debugging or rewriting code is an hour taken away from genuine innovation and forward movement."

(Pause for emphasis.)

Narrator: "Moving on, we have the alarming trend of User Churn Due to Complexity and Instability. Users approach software with expectations: clarity, reliability, and efficiency. However, a product birthed in the frantic environment of a feature factory can often be chaotic and unstable. Facing a convoluted interface and recurrent crashes, users, unsurprisingly, begin to jump ship. And losing users doesn't just dent pride; it hits the bottom line. Lost users mean lost revenue. Moreover, the cost of acquiring new users, especially in today's saturated digital marketplace, can be exorbitant."

Narrator: "Lastly, let's not forget the human component: Reduced Team Morale. A software development team isn't just a collection of coders; it's a cohesive unit with aspirations, creativity, and a desire for purpose. In the unending treadmill of feature production, developers might start feeling like cogs in a machine, constantly churning but seldom seeing the fruits of their labor make a genuine impact. The toll? A demoralized team. And a demotivated team can lead to reduced productivity, higher turnover rates, and a decline in overall product quality."

(Pause for reflection.)

Narrator: "The long-term damage to ROI isn't just about numbers and revenue. It's about the essence of what makes a product great and a team passionate. As the saying goes, 'Penny wise, pound foolish.' The fleeting gains of a feature factory might seem enticing now, but the future costs can be both steep and profound."

This script illuminates the more prolonged, often insidious impacts on ROI when a company falls into the feature factory trap, emphasizing both tangible and intangible costs.


Produce a script for the episodes conclusion - to cover:

Refocusing on Value Over Volume - Emphasize the importance of focusing on delivering real value to users rather than just new features & Mention strategies like user feedback loops, iterative development, and prioritization based on impact.

Final Thoughts - Reiterate the dangers of being seduced by the feature factory model and the importance of maintaining a balanced approach to software development.

Call to Action - Encourage listeners to assess their own development practices, look beyond the sheer number of features, and consider the true value they're delivering to their users.


Script for the Episode's Conclusion

Narrator: "As we draw our exploration of the feature factory to a close, let's pivot to what truly stands at the heart of impactful software development: Value Over Volume."

Narrator: "In the grand tapestry of software creation, it's not the sheer quantity of stitches that counts, but the artistry, the design, the overall picture they weave. While new features can indeed bring novelty, it's essential to discern between what's merely 'new' and what's genuinely 'valuable'. How can we achieve this clarity? By implementing strategies like creating user feedback loops — allowing users to voice what they really need. Through iterative development — refining and improving with each cycle. And by prioritizing tasks not just based on what's trendy, but on what can truly make a difference in the user's journey."

(Pause for reflection.)

Narrator: "Final Thoughts: The allure of the feature factory is undeniably strong, with its gleaming promise of rapid growth and immediate results. But as we've journeyed today, it's clear that this model can often be a mirage — dazzling from a distance but lacking substance up close. In software development, as in life, balance is paramount. It's not about racing ahead, but about moving forward with purpose, precision, and a clear vision."

Narrator: "And now, a Call to Action for all our listeners: Take a moment to step back and assess. Look beyond the glitzy metrics of feature counts. Delve deeper. Are you delivering true value, or are you caught in the whirlwind of constant production? As custodians of the digital realm, it's upon us to ensure that we're not just building for the sake of building but creating solutions that resonate, that matter, that truly enrich the lives of our users."

Narrator: "Thank you for joining us on this episode of 'Better ROI from Software Development'. Remember, in the end, it's not about how much we do, but how much of what we do truly matters. Until next time, stay curious, stay informed, and always strive for genuine impact."

This conclusion wraps up the episode by reinforcing the central message and gently nudging listeners towards introspection and positive action.