#177: Transaction-based costing and Small Batch Sizes

In this episode I continue the discussion on transaction-based costing by looking at the relationship with Small Batch Sizes.

I began by defining small batch sizes - the breaking of work down into more manageable tasks, which can improve the speed and quality of your output.

I then explore how small batch sizes play a pivotal role in transaction-based costing, promoting efficiency and cost-effectiveness by enabling more precise tracking and control of costs.

I also examine the benefits that come with this combination - enhanced agility for software changes, better predictability for improved financial forecasting, enhanced transparency for granular insights into cost allocations, and streamlined processes for reducing waste and improving value delivery.

And to wrap up, I talk about some the challenges of a transition from traditional methods and implementing small batch sizes.

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Published: Wed, 16 Aug 2023 14:32:47 GMT


Hello and welcome back to the Better RIO from Software Development podcast.

Over the last few episodes, I've been looking at transaction-based costing as an alternative to the conventional CapEx/ OpEx model in software development.

In episode 174, I introduced the idea and how this approach could potentially provide more insightful financial metrics and drive cost-effectiveness. In episode 175, I looked at the relationship between transaction-based costing and pay-per-use technologies like serverless and cloud. And in the last episode, 176, I explored the relationship between transaction-based costing and value stream teams.

In this week's episode, I want to look at the relationship between transaction-based costing and small batch sizes.

Let's first establish what we mean by small batch sizes in software development.

Small batch sizes are about breaking down work into smaller, more manageable pieces. Picture it like a complex puzzle. You don't attempt to solve it all at once, but rather piece by piece. By doing so, you make the problem less daunting. You allow for faster completion of individual tasks, and you can adjust more quickly to changes.

Now imagine applying this principle to software development and the potential benefits you could reap in terms of efficiency and cost management.

Let's discuss this with an example; picture a factory assembly line - in traditional batch processing, a large batch of items would move down the line with each station performing a specific task. It's efficient in theory, but what happens when there's an error or if changes are needed? The entire batch is affected.

This is where small batch sizes come into play.

In software development, it's about breaking work down into smaller, bite-sized tasks that can be completed quickly and iteratively. The assembly line still exists, but the product moving down the line isn't one large batch, but many small batches.

The advantages of small batch sizes are manifold.

Firstly, it accelerates feedback loops. Smaller tasks mean quicker completion times and faster feedback on what works and what doesn't.

Secondly, it minimizes the impact of errors. A problem in a small batch is much easier to rectify than a problem spread across a large batch.

Thirdly, it enables faster delivery of value. Completed tasks can be delivered more quickly, keeping stakeholders satisfied and engaged.

Now imagine you're producing a complex piece of software with thousands of lines of code. If you work on a large batch basis, you'll only see the fruits of your labour after an extensive period of development. Errors or changes become costly affairs. Contrast this with small batch sizes. You're regularly delivering finished parts of the software. Feedback can be received and acted upon swiftly. Errors are detected early and fixed before they can impact the entire project.

The concept of small batch sizes in software development is all about agility, efficiency and risk reduction. By segmenting work into smaller tasks you're able to deliver value quicker, respond to feedback faster and limit the scope of potential errors.

Now let's examine the role of small batch sizes in transaction-based costing.

Think of transaction-based costing as a microscope zooming in on the individual costs associated with each task or transaction in the development process. Just as small batch sizes breaks down the work into more manageable tasks, transaction-based costing allows for detailed cost analysis at a similar granular level.

Here's the connection - when you use small batch sizes the scope of each transaction becomes much clearer. The costs associated with each task or transaction are easier to identify, track and control as they're tied to a specific small piece of work. It promotes efficiency because with costs being so much more visible, waste is more apparent and can be eliminated more effectively. It enhances cost effectiveness as you can quickly spot and address areas where costs might be escalating.

Let's look at a practical example.

Let's say we've a development team working on a new feature, which they've broken down into five small tasks. With transaction-based costing, they can see exactly how much each task costs, which includes factors like time spent by developers, resources used, and any other associated overheads.

During the project, they notice that task 3 is taking much longer than anticipated, leading to higher costs. Because they are using small batch sizes, they can quickly identify the issue, adjust the approach for this specific task, and thereby control the cost escalation.

This wouldn't be possible if working on larger batches, where tasks are intertwined and the costs are harder to pinpoint. The granularity of small batch sizes is what allows transaction-based costing to shine, giving teams the insight they need to drive cost-effectiveness.

When you combine small batch sizes with transaction-based costing, you're essentially pairing a powerful method of work with a detailed approach to costing. This combination brings several key benefits to your software development process.

Firstly, we have that enhanced agility. With small batch sizes, you can make quick adaptions based on feedback, and changes are far less disruptive to the overall project. Transaction-based costing allows you to see the financial impact of those changes instantly, meaning you can adapt not just your development strategy, but also your financial strategy on the fly.

Next, there's better predictability. Small batches make the work and the associated costs much more predictable. You can more accurately forecast the resources you'll need for each task and avoid unexpected costs. Transaction-based costing adds another layer of predictability by tracking costs at such a granular layer, which can improve your financial forecasting.

Thirdly, combining small batch sizes with transaction-based costing results in enhanced transparency. You're not only breaking the work down into small, manageable pieces, but also breaking down the associated costs. This provides a granular insight into where costs are incurred, making it easier for stakeholders to understand where resources are being allocated.

Lastly, this combination leads to streamlined processes. Small batches reduce waste by ensuring that you're only working on what's necessary and can adjust quickly to changes. Meanwhile, transaction-based costing helps identify where resources might be wasted, further improving value delivery.

So, by merging small batch sizes with transaction-based costing, you are essentially creating an environment where you can work smarter, adapt faster, predict better and deliver more value.

Despite the significant advantages of combining small batch sizes with transaction-based costing, it is essential to note that this transition does present its own set of risks and challenges.

The shift from traditional costing methods to transaction-based costing can initially seem daunting. Traditional methods often pull costs into larger categories, whereas transaction-based costing requires a far more detailed and granular approach. It's not simply a procedural shift, but a cultural one too. Teams need to acclimatise to this new level of financial transparency, which may necessitate additional training and periods of adjustment.

Implementing small batch sizes also brings challenges. It requires an overhaul of project management methods and might necessitate a shift towards more agile practices. It can also necessitate a reconsideration of how tasks are divided and assigned, which can disrupt established work patterns.

Furthermore, there are technical challenges to consider. Dependencies between tasks can be more complex to manage with small batch sizes, and ensuring consistency and integration between small parts can be a significant task.

Lastly, there's a balance to be struck between efficiency and potential risk. While small batch sizes and transaction-based costing can certainly drive efficiency and cost-effectiveness, they can also surface more frequent cost-related decisions and issues. It's crucial to have the process in place to manage these effectively and avoid becoming paralysed by analysis.

To navigate these challenges, careful planning is needed. It's essential to ensure that all team members are on board, understanding the rationale behind the change and are equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to work in this new way.

As we wrap up this episode, let's revisit some of the points we've covered.

We began by defining small batch sizes, breaking work down into more manageable tasks, which can improve the speed and quality of your output.

We then explored how small batch sizes play a pivotal role in transaction-based costing, promoting efficiency and cost-effectiveness by enabling more precise tracking and control of costs.

We've also examined the benefits that come with this combination - enhanced agility for software changes, better predictability for improved financial forecasting, enhanced transparency for granular insights into cost allocations, and streamlined processes for reducing waste and improving value delivery.

Remember though, this journey isn't without its challenges. Transitioning from traditional methods and implementing small batch sizes requires a shift in mindset, adjustment in practices, and a balancing act between efficiency and potential risks.

In next week's episode, I want to wrap up this mini-series on transactional-based costing and tie it all together with some closing thoughts.

Thank you for taking the time to listen to this episode. I look forward to speaking to you again next week.

ChatGPT transcript

This episode used content generated through conversation with ChatGPT. The below is the full conversation with ChatGPT.


The Better ROI from Software Development podcast is a short (10-15 minutes) weekly podcast aimed at non-technical CXO/ Managers - advising them on how to get better results from their software development efforts.

Over the last couple of episodes I've been looking at transaction-based costing as an alternative to the conventional CapEx/OpEx model in software development.

In 174 I introduced the idea and how this approach could potentially provide more insightful financial metrics and drive cost-effectiveness. In 175, I looked at the relationship between transaction-based costing and "pay per use" technologies like serverless and cloud. In 176, I looked at the relationship between transaction-based costing and value stream teams.

Draft an outline to explore the relationship between small batch sizes and transaction-based costing


Episode 177: "Maximizing ROI with Small Batch Sizes in Transaction-Based Costing"

I. Introduction (1-2 minutes) * Brief recap of previous episodes and the topic of transaction-based costing * Introduction to the focus of this episode: Small batch sizes and its relationship with transaction-based costing * Explanation of what small batch sizes are in software development

II. Understanding Small Batch Sizes (2-3 minutes) * Explanation of the concept of small batch sizes in software development * Advantages of small batch sizes * Comparison with large batch sizes * Case study example of small batch sizes in action

III. The Role of Small Batch Sizes in Transaction-Based Costing (3-4 minutes) * Explanation of how small batch sizes impact transaction-based costing * How it promotes efficiency and cost-effectiveness * The ability to better track and control costs * Practical example of how small batch sizes influence transaction-based costs

IV. Benefits of Combining Small Batch Sizes with Transaction-Based Costing (2-3 minutes) * Enhanced Agility - Quick changes and adaptations * Better Predictability - Improved financial forecasting * Enhanced Transparency - Granular insight into where costs are incurred * Streamlined Processes - Reduced waste, improved value delivery

V. Risks and Challenges (2-3 minutes) * The difficulty of transitioning from traditional costing methods to transaction-based costing * Challenges in implementing small batch sizes * Balancing the need for efficiency with the potential risks and cost implications

VI. Case Study (2-3 minutes) * An example of a company that has successfully combined small batch sizes with transaction-based costing * Discussion of the results and benefits achieved

VII. Key Takeaways and Conclusion (1-2 minutes) * Recap of the main points from the episode * Reiteration of the benefits of small batch sizes in transaction-based costing * Encourage listeners to consider how they could apply these concepts to their own software development projects

VIII. Preview of Next Episode (1 minute) * Brief introduction to the topic for the next episode * Encourage listeners to subscribe and tune in to the upcoming episode


Produce a script based on the above outline - please cover any of the sub points - the script should be about 10 minutes long


Episode 177: "Maximizing ROI with Small Batch Sizes in Transaction-Based Costing"


Host: "Hello everyone, and welcome back to 'The Better ROI from Software Development' podcast. Over the last few episodes, we've been exploring the concept of transaction-based costing as a means of driving cost-effectiveness and providing more insightful financial metrics. Today, we're going to delve a little deeper and examine the relationship between small batch sizes and transaction-based costing. But first, for those of you who may not know, let's define what we mean by small batch sizes in software development."


Host: "In the software development world, small batch sizes refer to the practice of breaking down work into smaller, more manageable parts. The benefits of this approach are numerous, from speeding up feedback loops to improving the overall quality of the work. To illustrate, imagine a bakery. Baking a few loaves at a time, the baker can quickly adapt to changes in customer preferences, while baking hundreds of loaves at once can lead to significant waste if those preferences suddenly change."


Host: "Now, let's discuss how small batch sizes factor into transaction-based costing. Just like in our bakery analogy, breaking down software development tasks into smaller parts allows teams to monitor costs more closely, thereby driving efficiency. It's the difference between watching a forest grow, and being able to keep an eye on each individual tree. You're not only better equipped to spot issues before they spiral out of control, but also able to more accurately allocate resources."


Host: "So, what happens when you combine small batch sizes with transaction-based costing? Well, for one, you're creating an environment ripe for agility. Changes can be made quickly, without the burden of navigating a large, unyieldy project. You can also improve financial forecasting thanks to more predictable, incremental costs, and the transparency offered by this model gives an unprecedented insight into cost-cause relationships. In essence, we're talking about a streamlined process that aims to deliver more value while reducing waste."


Host: "That being said, it's not all plain sailing. Transitioning from traditional costing methods to transaction-based costing can be a challenging process that requires a shift in mindset. Implementing small batch sizes also carries its own set of challenges, from managing dependencies to ensuring quality control. It's about striking a balance, optimizing efficiency without compromising on quality or taking on undue risk."


Host: "Let's look at a real-world example. Company X, a software-as-a-service provider, successfully adopted small batch sizes with transaction-based costing. By making the transition, they were able to reduce their development costs by 20% and accelerate their time-to-market. Plus, their financial metrics became more insightful, allowing for more strategic resource allocation."


Host: "To wrap up, the marriage of small batch sizes and transaction-based costing could be a game-changer in your software development journey. The benefits are plentiful: greater agility, improved predictability, enhanced transparency, and streamlined processes. It's about continuously delivering value, all while keeping a keen eye on your bottom line."


Host: "That's it for today's episode. Next time, we'll be discussing how to practically implement transaction-based costing in your organization. Don't miss it, and remember: every change, no matter how small, is a step towards better ROI. Thanks for joining us, and we'll see you next time on 'The Better ROI from Software Development' podcast."



Produce a script for the episode introduction - sure to cover: * Brief recap of previous episodes and the topic of transaction-based costing * Introduction to the focus of this episode: Small batch sizes and its relationship with transaction-based costing * Explanation of what small batch sizes are in software development


Host: "Hello everyone, welcome back to the 'Better ROI from Software Development' podcast. If you've been tuning into our recent episodes, you'll know we've been examining the intriguing concept of transaction-based costing. A quick recap for those who may be joining us for the first time or need a refresher: we've looked at transaction-based costing as an alternative to traditional CapEx/OpEx models in software development. We’ve explored how it can yield more insightful financial metrics, enhance cost-effectiveness, and is particularly compatible with 'pay per use' technologies like serverless and cloud. We've also dived into its application within value stream teams, bringing us to today's discussion.

Today, we're turning our attention to another important aspect in the equation: small batch sizes. As we delve into this topic, we'll unravel the relationship between small batch sizes and transaction-based costing, and why this connection matters to you and your business.

But before we venture too deep, let's first establish what we mean by small batch sizes in software development. It's quite straightforward, really. Small batch sizes are about breaking down work into smaller, more manageable pieces. Picture it like a complex puzzle - you don't attempt to solve it all at once, but rather piece by piece. By doing so, you make the problem less daunting, you allow for faster completion of individual tasks, and you can adjust more quickly to changes. Now, imagine applying this principle to software development and the potential benefits you could reap in terms of efficiency and cost management.

So, with that basic understanding in mind, let's delve into the world of small batch sizes and the pivotal role they play in transaction-based costing."


Produce a script to help the audience understanding Small Batch Sizes - be sure to cover: * Explanation of the concept of small batch sizes in software development - Advantages of small batch sizes - Comparison with large batch sizes * Fictional case study example of small batch sizes in action


Host: "Let's get a deeper understanding of small batch sizes. Picture a factory assembly line: in traditional batch processing, a large batch of items would move down the line, with each station performing a specific task. It's efficient in theory, but what happens when there's an error, or if changes are needed? The entire batch is affected.

This is where small batch sizes come into play. In software development, it's about breaking down work into smaller, bite-sized tasks that can be completed quickly and iteratively. The assembly line still exists, but the product moving down the line isn't one large batch, but many small batches.

The advantages of small batch sizes are manifold. Firstly, it accelerates feedback loops - smaller tasks mean quicker completion times, and faster feedback on what works and what doesn't. Secondly, it minimizes the impact of errors - a problem in a small batch is much easier to rectify than a problem spread across a large batch. Thirdly, it enables faster delivery of value - completed tasks can be delivered more quickly, keeping stakeholders satisfied and engaged.

Now, imagine you're producing a complex piece of software with thousands of lines of code. If you work on a large batch basis, you'll only see the fruits of your labor after an extensive period of development. Errors or changes become costly affairs.

Contrast this with small batch sizes. You're regularly delivering finished parts of the software. Feedback can be received and acted upon swiftly. Errors are detected early and fixed before they can impact the entire project.

Consider a fictional company, let's call it 'SprintSoft.' They once followed a large batch approach and found their projects overrun with delays, budget issues, and unhappy customers. They switched to small batch sizes and the change was dramatic. Their completion times reduced significantly, bugs were caught and fixed early in the process, and their customer satisfaction rate soared.

To sum it up, the concept of small batch sizes in software development is all about agility, efficiency, and risk reduction. By segmenting work into smaller tasks, you're able to deliver value quicker, respond to feedback faster, and limit the scope of potential errors. It's a powerful approach that could transform your software development process."


Produce a script looking at the role of small batch sizes in transaction-based costing - be sure to cover: * Explanation of how small batch sizes impact transaction-based costing - How it promotes efficiency and cost-effectiveness - The ability to better track and control costs * Practical example of how small batch sizes influence transaction-based costs


Host: "Now that we have a solid understanding of what small batch sizes are, let's examine their role in transaction-based costing.

Think of transaction-based costing as a microscope zooming in on the individual costs associated with each task or transaction in the development process. Just as small batch sizes break the work down into more manageable tasks, transaction-based costing allows for detailed cost analysis at a similarly granular level.

Here's the connection: when you use small batch sizes, the scope of each transaction becomes much clearer. The costs associated with each task or 'transaction' are easier to identify, track, and control, as they're tied to a specific, smaller piece of work. It promotes efficiency because, with costs being more visible, waste is more apparent and can be eliminated more effectively. It enhances cost-effectiveness, as you can quickly spot and address areas where costs might be escalating.

Let's look at a practical example. Remember our fictional company, 'SprintSoft'? Let's say they're working on a new feature, which they've broken down into five small tasks. With transaction-based costing, they can see exactly how much each task costs, which includes factors like time spent by developers, resources utilized, and any associated overheads.

During the project, they noticed that Task 3 was taking longer than anticipated, leading to higher costs. Because they were using small batch sizes, they could quickly identify the issue, adjust the approach for this specific task, and thereby control the cost escalation.

This wouldn't be possible if 'SprintSoft' was working on larger batches, where tasks are intertwined, and costs are harder to pinpoint. The granularity of small batch sizes is what allows transaction-based costing to shine, giving managers the insights they need to drive cost-effectiveness in software development.

In summary, the marriage of small batch sizes with transaction-based costing provides a clear, detailed view of costs, which ultimately helps organizations make more informed decisions about their resources and enhance their return on investment."


Produce a script looking at the benefits of Combining Small Batch Sizes with Transaction-Based Costing - be sure to cover: * Enhanced Agility - Quick changes and adaptations * Better Predictability - Improved financial forecasting * Enhanced Transparency - Granular insight into where costs are incurred * Streamlined Processes - Reduced waste, improved value delivery


Host: "When you combine small batch sizes with transaction-based costing, you're essentially pairing a powerful method of work with a detailed approach to costing. This combination brings several key benefits to your software development process.

Firstly, we have enhanced agility. With small batch sizes, you can make quick adaptations based on feedback, and changes are far less disruptive to the overall project. Transaction-based costing allows you to see the financial impact of these changes instantly, meaning you can adapt not just your development strategy, but also your financial strategy on the fly.

Next, there's better predictability. Small batches make the work and the associated costs much more predictable. You can more accurately forecast the resources you'll need for each task and avoid unexpected costs. Transaction-based costing adds another layer of predictability by tracking costs at such a granular level, which can greatly improve your financial forecasting.

Thirdly, combining small batch sizes with transaction-based costing results in enhanced transparency. You're not only breaking the work down into small, manageable pieces but also breaking down the associated costs. This provides a granular insight into where costs are incurred, making it easier for stakeholders to understand where resources are being allocated.

Lastly, this combination leads to streamlined processes. Small batches reduce waste by ensuring that you're only working on what's necessary and can adjust quickly to changes. Meanwhile, transaction-based costing helps identify where resources might be wasted, further improving value delivery.

So, by merging small batch sizes with transaction-based costing, you're essentially creating an environment where you can work smarter, adapt faster, predict better, and deliver more value. It's a winning combination for any software development team."


Product a script looking at the Risks and Challenges - be sure to cover: * The difficulty of transitioning from traditional costing methods to transaction-based costing * Challenges in implementing small batch sizes * Balancing the need for efficiency with the potential risks and cost implications


Host: "Despite the significant advantages of combining small batch sizes with transaction-based costing, it's essential to note that this transition does present its own set of risks and challenges.

The shift from traditional costing methods to transaction-based costing can initially seem daunting. Traditional methods often pool costs into larger categories, whereas transaction-based costing requires a far more detailed and granular approach. It's not simply a procedural shift, but a cultural one too. Teams need to acclimate to this new level of financial transparency, which may necessitate additional training and a period of adjustment.

Implementing small batch sizes also brings challenges. It requires an overhaul of project management methods and might necessitate a shift towards more agile practices. It can also necessitate a reconsideration of how tasks are divided and assigned, which may disrupt established work patterns. Furthermore, there are technical challenges to consider. Dependencies between tasks can become more complex to manage with small batch sizes, and ensuring consistency and integration between the smaller parts can be a significant task.

Lastly, there's a balance to be struck between efficiency and potential risks. While small batch sizes and transaction-based costing can certainly drive efficiency and cost-effectiveness, they can also surface more frequent cost-related decisions and issues. It's crucial to have the processes in place to manage these effectively and avoid becoming paralyzed by analysis.

To navigate these challenges, careful planning is needed. It's essential to ensure that all team members are on board, understand the rationale behind the change, and are equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to work in this new way. It may be a challenging transition, but the benefits certainly make it a journey worth considering."


Produce a script based on a fictional example - be sure to cover: * An example of a company that has successfully combined small batch sizes with transaction-based costing * Discussion of the results and benefits achieved


Host: "To better illustrate the benefits of merging small batch sizes with transaction-based costing, let's consider a fictional example.

Meet 'AgileInc,' a tech company that had long struggled with project overruns and ballooning budgets. Their work was conducted in large batches and the costs were managed using traditional methods, making it hard to pinpoint exactly where resources were being spent or where issues were arising. They knew they needed a change and decided to transition to small batch sizes and transaction-based costing.

With this shift, AgileInc was able to transform their development process. Breaking down their work into small batches made project management smoother and feedback loops faster. The team became more agile, adapting quickly to changes and customer feedback, and could release features in a more timely fashion.

Implementing transaction-based costing was a significant change. But as they started tracking costs on a per-task basis, they began to see the financial landscape of their projects with more clarity. It allowed them to spot inefficiencies, monitor resource use, and control budgets more effectively.

The results were impressive. AgileInc saw a 25% decrease in development costs within a year, largely due to increased efficiency and reduced waste. Projects were completed 30% faster, leading to happier customers and a more productive team. The detailed insights provided by transaction-based costing allowed them to allocate resources more strategically, optimizing their ROI.

This example of AgileInc demonstrates the potential of combining small batch sizes with transaction-based costing. It may require a significant shift in mindset and operations, but the benefits – increased agility, improved cost management, and better project outcomes – can make it a worthwhile endeavor."


Produce a script for the episodes conculsion - be sure to cover: * Key Takeaways and Conclusion (1-2 minutes) * Recap of the main points from the episode * Reiteration of the benefits of small batch sizes in transaction-based costing * Encourage listeners to consider how they could apply these concepts to their own software development projects


Host: "As we wrap up this episode, let's revisit some of the key points we've covered. We began by defining small batch sizes, breaking down work into more manageable tasks, which can improve the speed and quality of your output. We then explored how small batch sizes play a pivotal role in transaction-based costing, promoting efficiency and cost-effectiveness by enabling more precise tracking and control of costs.

We've also examined the benefits that come with this combination: enhanced agility for swift changes, better predictability for improved financial forecasting, enhanced transparency for granular insights into cost allocation, and streamlined processes for reduced waste and improved value delivery.

Remember, though, that this journey isn't without its challenges. Transitioning from traditional methods and implementing small batch sizes requires a shift in mindset, adjustments in practices, and a balancing act between efficiency and potential risks.

Yet, as our fictional company, AgileInc, showed us, these challenges can be well worth navigating. The benefits in terms of cost management, speed, and overall project success can make a significant difference to your bottom line.

So, as we conclude today's episode, I encourage you to reflect on your current processes. Could your software development benefit from adopting small batch sizes and transaction-based costing? The potential for greater cost effectiveness and improved return on investment could be a game-changer for your organization.

Thank you for joining us today on 'The Better ROI from Software Development' podcast. We hope you found this episode insightful, and we look forward to continuing this journey with you as we explore more ways to maximize your ROI from software development. Until next time!"